4PX's equipment -Lightning Broadcast is getting into the "2022 Logistics and Supply Chain (China) Solutions TOP50"
December , 01 2022 PM CST

The 5th Global Trade and International Logistics Summit Forum was held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)on 5th November. The forum committee released the "Logistics and Supply Chain (China) Solution Collection TOP50" list, 4PX's  equipment -Lightning Broadcast (automated high-speed order picking equipment ) project successfully entered the TOP50 list, it signifies that the 4PX's practice of digitalization and intelligentization has been recognized by the industry. 


It is said that, this year, "Logistics and Supply Chain (China) Solutions Collection TOP50" is based on the theme of "Building a Safe, Stable and Green Supply Chain System", qualified companies are selected based on the innovation of the case solution, the practicality of the application effect, the professionalism of the technical ability, the influence of the industry and other dimensions, the companies in the TOP50 List are also Selected by the International Logistics and Supply Chain Advisory Committee experts, entrepreneur members and representatives of research institutions. The results of the selection are highly authoritative and great international influence.


At present, the traditional manual operation mode has low efficiency and high discrepancy rate, moreover,  he current dilemma of high manpower cost, difficult recruitment, poor staff stability and long staff training time can no longer effectively increase warehouse handling capacity and ensure timeliness and quality of customer outbound orders.The shortlisted lightning broadcast project make great efforts to break through the bottleneck of manpower, introduce the digital technology of the whole chain, create diversified storage solutions, and enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

According to Gang Hu, CTO of 4PX, Lightning Broadcast, based on the efficiency portrait of picking personnel and wave order picking path, combined with dynamic wave algorithm to achieve intelligent and dynamic allocation of picking tasks, also combined with high-speed flexible three-dimensional order automatic sorting equipment, automatic code reading and sorting system designed by vision, sensing, mechanical and electric control, etc., supports modular and flexible increase of sowing grids according to business needs to achieve high-speed order Automatic planning of placement path and grid opening, with a sowing accuracy of 99.99% or more.

Since the implementation of lightning sowing in the deep west warehouse of Delivery Square, one is to save a lot of manpower, one equipment can replace 6 to 8 people, no special training can be on the job, and the comprehensive down-shelf human efficiency is increased by 15%; second is high efficiency, lightning sowing speed is more than 4 times of the traditional sowing mode, the highest equipment sowing efficiency can reach 4300 pieces / hour, a single lightning sowing equipment daily sowing parcels up to 96,000 pieces, is the industry similar More than 2 times of the warehouse seeding processing capacity; three is the high accuracy, sorting accuracy rate of 99.9% or more; four is more lattice mouth, lattice mouth occupancy reduced by 60%, 48 ~ 120 lattice mouth arbitrary choice, can be customized; five is fast investment recovery, super high cost performance, recovery investment period is expected to be less than 1.5 years; six is a small area, make full use of the height of space, 120 lattice mouth occupies an area of about 25 square meters.


In addition, Gang Hu introduced, "lightning broadcast" can serve cross-border e-commerce, logistics express, new retail. With the growth of various industries in the intelligent, digital demand, from the industrial end of the industrial intelligent manufacturing, to modern logistics to the future of the community and other new infrastructure, "lightning broadcast" will gradually expand the scope of the use of scenarios.

It is reported that, in recent years, Delivery is committed to take IT and big data as the core driving force, continuously increase the investment in technology, continue to focus on the underlying development work, and actively build a global logistics network to provide global sellers with a fully digital cross-border logistics experience.